Arm DS-Gold

Arm Development Studio is a professional software development solution for bare-metal embedded systems and Linux-based systems. It covers all stages in development from boot code and kernel porting to application and bare-metal debugging, including performance analysis.


It includes:

The Arm Compiler 6 toolchain.

Build embedded and bare-metal embedded applications.

Arm Debugger.

A graphical debugger supporting software development on Arm processor-based targets and Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) targets.

Fixed Virtual Platform (FVP) targets.

Single and multi-core simulation models for architectures Armv6-M, Armv7-A/R/M and Armv8-A/R/M. These enable you to develop software without any hardware.

Arm Streamline.

A graphical performance analysis tool that enables you to transform sampling data and system trace into reports that present data in both visual and statistical forms.

Graphics Analyzer.

Graphics Analyzer allows graphics developers to trace OpenGL ES, Vulkan and OpenCL API calls in their applications.

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