Title | Updated date | Comment count |
High Capacity Memory Subsystem Development | 2 months 1 week ago | 36 |
Design Flow
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Project description
I agreed with your item on the last Teams call that a better project description is needed. I have asked Srimanth a few times but he seems a bit busy on the details of his command processor. As you get into the project perhaps you can suggest some description information? I would be happy to work with you on it.
Sure John
Sure John
Milestone 1
I have added an initial Milestone, it is for the first stage in any system/project design flow (we have a whole section on design flows).
I hope this will help structure things.
Could you as you are ready the various specs and resources put together a little introduction text we can then all review it. There must be some introductions in the various specs, papers and projects that can help you write a short statement.
APB Control Interface object responsibilities
I have started to flesh out some more of the Architectural Design for things like object lifetime and responsibilities as well as some help on how to structure the project files. Hopefully this is enough for you to really make some progress. It is also clearer now who in the team you need to have a discussion with on your object. Please take a look at the Slack comments.
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