Active Project
In partnership with Canada License

Geographical support for Canada

This collaboration project is aimed at providing specific tailored activities to the local geography in Canada by developing local actions that will help stimulate academics and their institutions and the broader semiconductor industry supporters to create new and exciting SoC design projects. 

It may include holding specific local physical meetups where people can exchange design ideas.

It may include utilising locally provided routes to fabrication.

It may include sharing hard to locate test capability across academic institutions.

There are many other potential opportunities for local collaboration and we hope this project will stimulate many over time. Hopefully the community will update the project as plans for activities develop so if you are local, please join the project and keep both in touch and involved.

  • The 2024 Canadian Semiconductor Symposium, taking place October 9 and 10 in Markham, Ontario.  The event will create opportunities to collaborate with peers in the U.S. and EU, and to help build a vibrant and sustainable Canadian semiconductor ecosystem. SoC Labs is working with CMC Microsystems to help establish global collaboration projects.
  • Webinar, Thursday 17th Oct, Make Academic System on Chip Projects Easy via Collaboration and Reusable Design.  How the broad range of IP freely available via Arm Academic Access combined with academic-focused reusable reference designs and tape out flows are making System on Chip projects easier to undertake by individual students and larger academic teams. Examples of projects being developed by the SoC Labs academic community. A specific call for participation from Canada, SoC Labs and Arm AAA will support you in developing your System on Chip projects, especially if you are an academic new to SoC and ASIC design.




Project Milestones

  1. Webinar, Make Academic System on Chip Projects Easy via Collaboration and Reusable Design.

    Target Date

    How the broad range of IP freely available via Arm Academic Access combined with academic-focused reusable reference designs and tape out flows are making System on Chip projects easier to undertake by individual students and larger academic teams. Examples of projects being developed by the SoC Labs academic community. A specific call for participation from Canada, SoC Labs and Arm AAA will support you in developing your System on Chip projects, especially if you are an academic new to SoC and ASIC design.


Research Area
Arm Academic Access/ Research Enablement
University Research Enablement, Senior Manager

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Project Creator
John Darlington

Community lead at University of Southampton

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