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Similar work

Some interesting parallel work is presented here by Michele Magno from ETH Zurich.

tinyML Talks - Michele Magno: LW Embedded Gesture Recognition Using Novel Short-Range Radar Sensors - YouTube

The same areas of concern, feature extraction, choice and model optimisation, etc. A variation of the input medium but target similar application in terms of human to machine interaction. Some investigation on the Arm M7 microcontroller as well as alternative hardware.

Should this really be in Physical Design under Design Flow

The SoC Labs site is still evolving and we may not get things in exactly the right place to start with. A few people have felt this Interest is really a stage in the Physical Design and part of an ASIC design flow.

On reflection I agree.

Creating a PhD Portfolio in SoC Labs

How about creating an item describing how best to create a PhD Portfolio in SoC Labs?

Design Flow information structure

image of navigation scheme showing generic high level flows and area for example flows

We have an initial view that has the four high level generic stages of the design flow and then an area where we describe specific example flows. Hopefully we will add some more example flows to David’s initial ‘example flow’ for the Xilinx(R) PYNQ(R) platform. As we develop some additional example flows we will try and discuss how the flow delivers the requirement of the general design flow steps.

Design Flow information structure

I added a comment in the example design flow to describe the basic structure ot the 'design flows' area of the site. 

FPGA SoC prototyping with Xilinx(R) PYNQ(R) platform | SoC Labs

The principle is that the area four high level generic stages that descibe the necessary steps in any design flow implementation and then there is an additional area where we describe specific example flows. As we add additional example flows we should aim to discuss within their descriptions how the specific flow implementation delivers the requirement of the general design flow steps.

Creating a PhD Portfolio in SoC Labs

I was wondering if people had any initial views on this? Otherwise we can create something in an agile way and people can see if it has utility Happy do this agile or in a more system engineering way by building a 'Requirements Definition'. 


We have been implementing some improvements to notifications. People can choose their preferences for notifications in their profile. Our general view is that people will want to get notification on how others in the community view their contributions. For example the site will notify people when comments are responded to and liked/disliked. We are happy to adjust these things based on community feedback so please do let us know your views,

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In the mean time, adding a comment worked and I have added you. Whatever works, if people express and interest we will make sure we note it. Looking forward to working with you on this.


Some slight difference in types of content

One initial feedback from the community on the site is that there is some difference in terms of being an author for an Article and being an author of something in the subject tree areas such as Technology, Interests and Design Flows.

Items in subject trees such as Technology, Interests and Design Flows are considered to be shared by the community currently. Once you have created it, you can't delete it yourself. Why? they ask. Let us take the example of a Project, if people have declared an interest in the project then why should the person who started it be allowed to take what has become a community interest away? As long as the community wants to take it forward then that is fine.

Articles are currently not considered shared and usually have some timeliness criteria so can be currently be deleted.

If an author wants something deleted they can prepare a revision and submit for moderation, they can request moderation to delete the item completely. 

I hope this helps.

A new example flow has been…

A new example flow has been published to support the SoC Design Contest for 2023.


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