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FPGA-Powered Acceleration for NLP Tasks 4 weeks 1 day ago 9



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Team Members:

Abhishek Yadav (

Ayush Dixit (

Binod Kumar (


Team Members:

Abhishek Yadav (

Ayush Dixit (

Binod Kumar (

Related to project

Prototype with Zynq: We'll start by prototyping the IP on the Zynq MPSOC FPGA with integrating HLS generated IP with the Zynq and other IP .
PYNQ Overlay: Create a PYNQ overlay for easy design space exploration and benchmarking.
Application Testing: Run the application to evaluate performance and make necessary adjustments.
This approach will allow us to iterate quickly and gather critical insights before moving to the physical design process.

As of now the model size is quite large  in MB's so we are trying to reduce the model size using some techniques and want to know what should  be the ideal  model size. We should be good to go as there would be some trade offs in accuracy ?

FPGA Prototyping

Prototype with Zynq: We'll start by prototyping the IP on the Zynq MPSOC FPGA with integrating HLS generated IP with the Zynq and other IP .
PYNQ Overlay: Create a PYNQ overlay for easy design space exploration and benchmarking.
Application Testing: Run the application to evaluate performance and make necessary adjustments.
This approach will allow us to iterate quickly and gather critical insights before moving to the physical design process.

As of now the model size is quite large  in MB's so we are trying to reduce the model size using some techniques and want to know what should  be the ideal  model size. We should be good to go as there would be some trade offs in accuracy ?


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You asked the question on the model size in MB's and the ideal size to target versus the trade off in accuracy.

On chip SRAM is a limiting factor in SoC design due to the high cost of the area for SRAM. While the hierarchical memory system for classical compute has been optimised, from the off chip DRAM all the way through the cache levels, it is has not for custom acceleration. One approach we are using to reduce fabrication costs is the use chiplet based SRAM die which can be added to a SoC from a stock of pre-fabricated die as opposed to adding to the die cost of a custom accelerator. 

Classical compute has caches in low MB.

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