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SoC Design Contest 2025 for Canada and the America's.
We have just launched a new call for projects in a design contest for the America continent SoC Design Contest 2025 for Canada and the America's. I don’t know if that would be of interest to you.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Welcome to SoC Labs
It was great to meet you at the APCCAS 2024 conference. Happy to catch up with you during the week and see what collaboration is possible. You might want to look at the team from Sydney for a bit of an idea of one of the projects we have ongoing. I am trying to get a collaboration going across a few universities. I have linked Sydney up with a project of Ayodeji Oluwatope at Obafemi Awolowo University.
Hopefully we can catch up later.
I am just following up on the discussions around chiplet integration. We have an open competition in this area of interest and so if you are interested either individually or as part of a broader collaboration then this might be worth entering? Perhaps you can talk to David and see if this is possible. As I said we are also going to support an analog, and mixed-signal contest specifically for the America's with support from CMC in Canada.
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