Competition 2024
Competition: Hardware Implementation

Battery Management System-on-chip (BMSoC) for large scale battery energy storage

Battery storage systems are an important source for powering emerging clean energy applications. The Battery Management System (BMS) is a critical component of modern battery storage, essential for efficient system monitoring, reducing run-time failures, prolonging charge-discharge lifecycle, and preventing battery stress or catastrophic situations. The BMS performs functionalities such as data acquisition and monitoring, battery state estimation, cell equalization, and charge protection, making it computationally intensive to manage large scale battery storage. This necessitates the development of a System-on-chip (SoC) solution which can perform real-time and high speed battery management with improved accuracy and efficiency.
The proposal envisages the development of energy-efficient and lightweight mixed signal Battery Management SoC architecture. The proposed SoC architecture comprises an Analogue front-end (AFE) for voltage, current, and temperature sensing, Analogue to digital converters, a charge protection circuit (overvoltage, undervoltage and overcurrent conditions), a digital signal processing unit, and a master controller with required communication interfaces as shown in the Fig. The AFE architecture also incorporates charge equalization using active cell balancing. Active balancing redistributes charge among cells with imbalanced characteristics as opposed to dissipating energy in the form of heat (as in the case of passive balancing solutions), leading to improved thermal management. The mixed signal SoC offers improved hardware and software components optimization, leading to higher system performance with low latency for data handling and processing.
The SoC architecture can handle multiple cells by integrating low speed sensors with a high speed processor, enhancing the computational capability of edge devices. Additionally, the SoC offers access to cloud resources through the radio transceiver and multiple SoCs can be integrated to form a BMS cluster to provide cloud-based management capabilities. The scalable architecture also promotes ease of integration and reduces the development time for different battery configurations which varies across applications. With modern battery technology evolving rapidly, the SoC provides reconfigurability for adapting to newer technologies without the need to change the underlying processing hardware. The resulting scalable and flexible BMSoC makes it applicable across applications from IoT devices to automotive and renewable energy grid storage.


Functional Specifications of the BMSoC

  1. Cell Measurement: Upto 16 cells (Rechargeable Li-ion cells)–  Combination of 16S1P, 8S2P, and 4S4P (S-series, P-Parallel connection of Energy storage cells)
  • Individual cell voltages
  • Every parallel string current.
  • Accuracy +/-1mV
  • Conversion time 37μs/cell (16 bit ADC)

2. Battery monitoring - Digital logic implementation of the Battery State Estimation (State-of-Charge, State-of-Health, State-of-Power) methodology.

  • ARM Cortex (M-series) based System-on-chip (SoC) for low power computation.
  • Battery Management Acceleration unit (BMS Accelerator) to be interfaced with Cortex M-core for high speed throughput.

3. Cell Balancing: Topology for equalization of charge among healthy and weak cells based on State-of-charge computation for high speed charge balancing  (requires string current  & individual cell voltage).

  • High voltage analog differential MUX.

4. Internal Regulator :-

  • 14.4V/28.8V/57.6 , 9A to 12 A current , Ripple 14mV , external switch, Buck boost configuration.

5. Clocking of all subsystems.

6. Charge and Load detection.

7. Temperature sensor integration.

8. OTP (One-time Programmable) Calibration  for whole system.


Design Data Inputs:

  • Design specifications
  • System level modelling and Simulations
  • Target CDK - 130/90/65 nm (for high voltage applications)
  • Third-Party IPs (Digital and Analog)

Project Milestones

  1. Architectural Design

    Target Date
    Completed Date
    • Understanding the scope of the competitions and reference designs provided in the
    • Mixed Signal Design Validation Strategy 

      Digital Centric mixed signal design flow is chosen for the project

    • Partitioning of Analog and Digital subsystems

      Digital Subsystem - ARM Cortex M3,  BMS accelerator, SoC Peripherals, Memory

      Analog subsystems - ADC and high voltage MUX, LDO, PWM, High voltage GPIOs.

    • Top-level functional block-design for the Analog Mixed-signal (AMS) SoC - completed 


  2. Logical Design

    Design Flow
    Target Date
    Completed Date

    Domain Specific Design

    1. Analog Domain

      a. Finalizing design specs and schematic design  

      b. System-level model simulation - completed in Simulink


    2. Digital Domain

      a. Implementation of the digital logic using SDK.

      b. Software profiling for hardware acceleration.

      c. RTL Design of the BMS accelerator  - completed

  3. Generate RTL

    Design Flow
    Target Date
    Completed Date
    • RTL design and behavioural simulation of the battery state monitoring methodology.
    • Synthesis and FPGA implementation of Hardware software codesign on Zedboard (Zynq-7000 SoC).




  4. RTL Verification

    Design Flow
    Target Date
    • Generate RTL for ARM Cortex-M3 using Corstone-101 reference design with ETM
    • Testing of the reference design peripherals.
    • Integration strategy for the BMS accelerator and memories. 
  5. Behavioural Modelling

    Target Date
    1. Analog Design
      a. Identifying the PDK for reaching the HV requirement of the sensing front-end part
      b. Analog/Mixed signal block design partitioning and Verilog AMS model generation


  6. Physical Design

    Design Flow
    Target Date

    Digital Design

    • Synthesis
    • Floor Planning
    • Placement and routing
    • Functional verification
  7. Physical Verification

    Target Date

    Analog Design

    1. Analog block IP integration and circuit optimization
    2. AMS block functional performance verification
    3. AMS block IP physical import
    4. AMS block floorplanning
    5. Analog Physical Design

    Digital Design

    1. Digital block functional performance verification
  8. Physical Integration

    Target Date
    1. AMS block physical integration preparation
    2. AMS block assembly
  9. Target Date
  10. Target Date
  11. Milestone 13

    Target Date
    1. AMS block functional block signoff validation
    2. AMS block preparation for SoC integration
    3. Dispatch to Foundry for Tape-out
  12. Target Date


Research Area
Low power VLSI architecture
Research Area
VLSI systems resource-constrained applications, Low Power Design Techniques, Machine learning hardware design, Signal Processing Algorithm and VLSI Architectures, Digital Arithmetic, Biomedical Devices. AI/ML, Nanoscience & Technology



As we are now in July it would be great to get an update on how things are going. Looking at the original milestones on the project there was an RTL Verification milestone at the end of June. How did that go?

We look forward to hearing from you.



It would be most helpful to get an update on how you are getting on with the Behavioural Modelling milestone for the analog front end and also the progress on the Corstone-101 reference implementation?

We look forward to hearing from you.


Thanks for joining. We look forward to collaborating and seeing the project develop. Have you though about the initial Architectural Design milestone? Perhaps you can add an initial idea of how long you feel that will take. It might help to get the project off on the right track. If you have any questions please ask.


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Project Creator
Rashi Dutt

Researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH)
Research area: Low power VLSI architecture
ORCID Profile

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