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Welcome to SoC Labs


Welcome to SoC Labs.  I see you have added an interest in the SoC-400 debug subsystem to your profile. Is this an area of interest for you? It would be good to know more about your interests and then we can help find a way to collaborate.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Making progress


I hope you are starting to make progress on the project now. It would help to understand the milestones for your project. Here is a good example of update to a milestone to add a completion date and show progress. It comes from one of last years projects.

Good example of milestone with completion date and outcomes

It shows both the Completed Date and key additional information such as the reported area with a clear statement of the inputs that this is not using a specific technology node standard cells.

Adding milestones to your project

You can add milestones to your project at any time. Here is a good example of update to a milestone to add a completion date and show progress. It comes from one of last years projects.

Good example of milestone with completion date and outcomes

It shows both the Completed Date and key additional information such as the reported area with a clear statement of the inputs that this is not using a specific technology node standard cells.

You simply need to edit the Project and then simply select milestones from the generic design flow stages or create any unique milestones. So taking the first steps in the design flow you type 'arch' and it autocompletes the design flow step needed. 

add milestones via edit of the Project



What is your role in the project


I was wondering what your role in the project is? I can't see you have added any technology items or workflow stages to your profile to indicate things you are interested in or working on.

It is simple to do, just edit your profile;

select My Contributions then My Account

and add your interests;



auto type a technology select it and then Add another item
Another way to add your interests

The other way to add these is on each page that you find is interesting or part of your work you will find the action button to add it to your profile:

Add to your profile button on each page of interest

Having these should make it easier to find people to help and collaborate.



It would be good to understand what is of interest for you in SoC Labs. We look forward to hearing from you. You can simply reply to this comment to let us know.


Your role in the project


Looking at your Git I think you are looking at the Analog-Sensor Requirements and that would fit with your sharing an interest in RF and Analog Design. Are you also looking at the Dielectric conditioning action?

I look forward to hearing from you, you can simply reply to this comment.


NanoSoC and Design Start


Looking at your project Git it looks like you have been assigned to look at the NanoSoC reference design and using the Design Start IP? If you need any help then please let us know.




I had a look around your Git project planner and I think you have been assigned to look at the AMBA bus. It might be helpful to look at Daniel's project on ADC Integration in nanoSoC. David FLynn also has a project on Building system-optimised AMBA interconnect. You can leave a comment on these projects and I am sure David and Daniel will respond if you need any help.

We look forward to hearing how you are getting along.


Analog Sensor Requirements

I see in Milestone 4 that you have an Analog front end team and a processor team. Looking at your Git I see you are assigned to the Analog Sensor Requirements task and the Electrochemical conditioning task. I am hopefully assuming you are part of the Analog front end team?

It may be worth discussing your plans with Daniel who is trying to develop some baseline reference design in this area, see ADC Integration in nanoSoC


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