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Design Flow


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Appears people don't read much

No matter how often we describe the web site structure and rationale within it people don't read and just assume and guess. No wonder people suffer from that lost in hyperspace feeling if they do not arm themselves with some reference either internalised or via an external map. We will have to think about how we take the assumptions and guess work out of their navigation? Not trivial.

Integration with NanoSoC?

Is this now integrated with the Wrapper and NanoSoC?

Milestone Planning


It would be good to try and lay out your initial plans for Milestones. You might want to look at the steps in the generic design flows and allocate them to Milestones. You might also want to look at the SoC Design Contest 2023 example flow for some help.



This request for collaboration has turned into some explicit projects to develop the parts of the lightweight SoC Infrastructure that cab be used with minimal modifications to implement experimental hardware accelerator prototypes.

Not all experimental hardware accelerator can be supported by the current reference design. It would be good to get people to contribute additional SoC Infrastructure designs.

How did you get on with your May 1st milestone?


It would be great if you could let us know how you are getting on with your May 1st Milestone and if there is any help you need for planning the next milestones and support in terms of generic reference design technology or design flow environment help?

Hopefully the advice on the…

Hopefully the advice on the local server has got you past that problem. Hopefully you can move on to the process of design. The process of design, like the design itself, can benefit from re-use. Design is a conceptual process and we often re-use techniques such as top down decomposition or bottom up. We can iterate between them to build out understanding. We can arm ourselves with questions that help rationalise the conceptual design.

In this case we have a known approach, k-Nearest-Neighbours (kNN) algorithm, and you have started to decompose this (top down). You also need to consider how you will calculate distances (bottom up). What is needed for each calculation and how does the SoC deliver that to allow the calculations to efficiently be undertaken. What are the limitations that are imposed by the SoC system and how best do we translate the mathematical algorithm onto it.  

In the example accelerator we show some custom logic for performing calculations. We have data moving across the bus of the SoC and into the accelerator and results coming back out. In your example how symmetric is the data needed versus the result and does that have any implications? What is the pattern of data flowing across the bus? Asking such questions helps develop our understanding of the design. Design is as much about generating questions as it is about generating answers. 

Perhaps you can share how you are developing your conceptual understanding of the Architectural Design space?


Design Flow help

David and Daniel have added some items in the that have some helpful questions such as can we at this stage identify and 'system bottlenecks'. Do other design decisions such as say the use of the 'reference design' constrain our design space, eg. how much data can we flow through the accelerator, what memory constrains/organisation. What area are we looking to deploy? How many calculations can we undertake in parallel? We can start to lay out questions and answers as part of conceptual understanding of a design.

Architectural design phase

It is good to see you working through the Architectural design phase and building the conceptual understanding of the design and design space for potential alternative designs.

It is interesting to consider the flow of 32-bit words over the bus into the accelerator and how these are structured compared to the original view for the labelled and unknown examples. How you can sequence the calculations and any intermediate results you can hold. Unlike the example SHA-2 accelerator that needs data aggregated from 32-bit words before it can undertake calculation in this case you may be able to undertake calculation more efficiently. 

Patterns and how they help

Identifying both Data Patterns and Design Patterns can really help in the design phase. Look at how the data in structured in the calculations in relation to the labelled data set and unknown examples and how they interact and the implication on their storage in memory and flow across the SoC. That will help identify the Design Patterns for the IP blocks. 


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