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Front end circuit diagram

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Nanosoc Configuration

Hi Rami,

We've just updated the way you can configure nanosoc, to hopefully make it more easy for people to make changes to the overall configuration without having to change multiple files. If you pull the latest changes you should see a nanosoc.config in the nanosoc_tech directory

If you leave the options blank, they will not be included and if you write a yes (or really any text after) then it will be included. There is also a section to edit the paths to arm IP

You should now not have to make any edits to flists (apart from to include your accelerator) or to any of the makefiles

Let me know how it goes


Nanosoc Configuration + ADC


We've just updated the nanosoc accelerator project repository, there is now a new way to configure nanosoc including how to include the ADC's.

If you go into the nanosoc_tech directory there is a file nanosoc.config. If you add text after any of the ADC_x_INCLUDE =  then the APB bus will be configured for an ADC, and the verilog-ams model of the ADC will be included (this is not synthesizable for FPGA or ASIC - we're working on making this available soon). There is also a test for the adc subsystem called adc_tests. This can be run from the nanosoc_tech directory with 

make run_vcs TESTNAME=adc_tests

Unfortunately at the moment, synopsys VCS is the only supported simulator for the ADC, but we are working on this


Nanosoc Configuration + ADC


We've just updated the nanosoc accelerator project repository, there is now a new way to configure nanosoc including how to include the ADC's.

If you go into the nanosoc_tech directory there is a file nanosoc.config. If you add text after any of the ADC_x_INCLUDE =  then the APB bus will be configured for an ADC, and the verilog-ams model of the ADC will be included (this is not synthesizable for FPGA or ASIC - we're working on making this available soon). There is also a test for the adc subsystem called adc_tests. This can be run from the nanosoc_tech directory with 

make run_vcs TESTNAME=adc_tests

Unfortunately at the moment, synopsys VCS is the only supported simulator for the ADC, but we are working on this


Sydney's project


Not sure if you have seen, but the team from Sydney have just posted their project for the competition and it shares some similar elements to what you are trying to achieve. If you want to check it out, its here: 

Tape out on mini ASIC

Just to add to this, Europractice don't support a 90nm mini ASIC tapeout. 
As reference we have recently taped out some dies with nanoSoC using TSMC's 65nm mini ASIC shuttles with a 1 x 1.5 mm size so this may be a better technology node to target, but happy to discuss this with you further

NanoSoC and Design Start

Just to add to this, if you clone the accelerator project repository (have to use recursive clone to get all the submodules) you will find that there are commands to run with Quickstart (similar to design start that you do not get the DMA PL230 or DMA-350) The only IP you need for this is the Cortex M0 and CMSDK / Corstone-101
For simulations or building the FPGA image you just have to add the QUICKSTART=yes to any command that you run from command line. This will then simulate/build a version of nanosoc without the DMA's included


ADC access

We currently have published a verilog-ams model of the ADC here 
We still need to figure out exactly how we are supposed to share the full macro for backend analysis without breaking NDA with TSMC. But I will keep you updated on that.
This block has been integrated in nanosoc, you just have to make changes to the nanosoc.config file and set ADC_0_INCLUDE:=yes to include the ADC subsystem. This currently works well with VCS simulator, I've not completely figured out yet how to support verilog-AMS code on other simulators 


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