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Multiprocessor SoC (MPSoC) design, Neural network learning algorithm design, Reliable system design, VLSI/CAD design, Smart manufacturing
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[Reply] Use of DMA and AXI

To start, we plug the ADI vibration sensor's wireless receiver into the USB port of the Xilinx Pynq FPGA. This allows us to receive wireless vibration sensing data. Next, we use the AXI Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) to capture the sensing data and execute a Jupyter notebook on the ARM processor for control. This connection also enables us to access data via the Direct Memory Access (DMA) controller in the programmable logic (PL). Within the Xilinx Pynq FPGA, we establish various IPs, such as AXI GPIO, AXI Quad SPI, Concat Interrupts, and AXI DMA. With the help of AXI Interconnection and Clocking Wizard, communication is achieved between the AXI DMA and processing system (PS), as well as between the AXI Quad SPI and PS.

Regarding the AAA, I thought we should click it while submitting the project because the involved Xilinx Pynq FPGA contains an ARM processor. It should be a mis-clicking. 

Yes, you can. We are going…

Yes, you can. We are going to create a new topic for SoC Lab 2024. I will let you know when I am done.



Hi John, My students will…

Hi John, My students will demonstrate our Chip-FPGA integration platform, targeting the application of motor fault detection. Welcome to join the live-demon session.


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