Academic Institution

University of Southampton

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Members 32
Projects 21
Articles 7
Contributor since: Wed, 06/30/2021 - 14:50
AAA Member



Case Study

Building system-optimised AMBA interconnect
Example case-study of using the Arm CMSDK AMBA-AHB Bus-Matrix tools to build system-optimised interconnect.
Case Study

Efficient Keyword-Spotting on an Arm M7 microcontroller
This 4 month PhD Interdisciplinary Team Project used an Arm M7 to measure actual energy used in different forms of inference and feature extraction for keyword spotting.
Active Project @ soclabs

Hardware SoC bus level debug agent (v4)
A hardware Finite State Machine on-chip AMBA interconnect controller using a serial ASCII debug protocol, with functional upgrades to Version 4 to support 8-, 16- and 32-bit accesses, to facilitate off-chip validation.
Case Study

3D-stacked cortex-M0 SoC with wireless inter-tier data and power transfer

This project developed a 2-tier 3D-stacked Cortex-M0 SoC, in 65nm CMOS technology, with wireless inter-tier power and data transfer through an inductively coupled bus which achieved 20.3Gbps/mm2 data, and 7.1mW/mm2 power transfer simultaneously through a 250 µm channel. At the time of publishing it was the smallest ever reported inductive data and power link.