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Case Study

3D-stacked cortex-M0 SoC with wireless inter-tier data and power transfer

This project developed a 2-tier 3D-stacked Cortex-M0 SoC, in 65nm CMOS technology, with wireless inter-tier power and data transfer through an inductively coupled bus which achieved 20.3Gbps/mm2 data, and 7.1mW/mm2 power transfer simultaneously through a 250 µm channel. At the time of publishing it was the smallest ever reported inductive data and power link.

Request of Collaboration

Event-B to FPGA process flows

The aim of the project will be to establish the tool chain and flows to demonstrate Event-B refinement to a Register Transfer Level implementation that can target an FPGA implementation. Previous European, EC Information and Communication Technologies FP7 DEPLOY and European Union ICT Project ADVANCE developed VHDL code generation from Event-B models. A number of projects within these and other research programmes have looked at the required process flows. The Rodin Platform is an open source Eclipse-based IDE for Event-B.